Monday, October 17, 2011

Mahou no Melody screencaps.

Finally got the mood to do this. Yeahhh~~  ( ゚▽゚)/

So, to start off, EVERYTHING SO CUTE ASDASD#SDFSD not really. But why isn't Tego wearing pink? Massu is wearing yellow right? Shouldn't it be pink? Not that it matters anyway m(._.)m 

Lol, seeing this makes me want to insert this meme >> 
But Tego wanted to do it, mwahaha! >:D 

credits to fuckyeahtegomasu@tumblr

Massu looked embarrassed ( ゚▽゚)
I am amused. They'll probably do it after the shooting ne.

Pretty girl boy *-*

Would you stop being cute for once?! *bricked*

The costumes look really.. unique. XD; I was 0_o at first, but then I realized it Tegomass and its theme is magic.

Even the musicians have costumes~ Cute (*≧▽≦)

Screencapped because Tego looks pretty and Massu looks like he's crying  ゚▽゚

The song's pretty nice too. Its stuck in my head until now(even my housemate lol), though it not my most favorite Tegomass song.

Tego being pretty again and Massu crying singing expressively

I hope Tego gets out of the blonde-with-earrings-and-doing-that-wtf-duck-lips phase. Dye your hair black ne. Its better. :D Massu never changes and I have nothing to complain about him 8DDD

Massu being cute again ASDFSDWERW *pinches cheeks*

My bias being vain (I love him because of that XD;) And MASSU BEING CUTE AGAIN


I can't wait for my DVD ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
I saw previews for the making. I'm really excited ☆ミ(o*・ω・)ノ
Ok, not really. I'll end up watching online anyway (I'll probably receive my DVD at the end of the month _| ̄|○ )

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